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About Us

Proudly bringing Palmetto inspired apparel to Pickleball. 



Our mission at Palmetto Pickleball Co. is to provide modern designs that match passion with play. We are committed to offering quality clothing that meets the needs of all pickleball enthusiasts whether you're fresh on the court or seasoned ballers since '65.



At Palmetto Pickleball Co., our passion is to see the sport of pickleball grow in our state. We have dreams of hosting clinics, after-school programs, and event tournaments. Long term, we desire to open a retail space with courts as our base of operations, and to be a catalyst for pickleball growth in our Palmetto State would be an honor.


For the Palmetto State

Palmetto Pickleball Co is proudly based in Greenville, SC, but we enjoy playing across the state. Our apparel seeks to bring modern designs to functional pickleball clothing.

Palmetto Pickleball Co. is proudly based in Greenville, SC. We offer a line of pickleball-inspired apparel that is both comfortable and stylish. Our clothing celebrates the sport of pickleball and our great Palmetto State!


 As pickleball enthusiasts ourselves, we understand the passion that the sport creates and the joy that it brings to its players. That’s why we decided to create a line of clothing that reflects the unique spirit of the sport and its players.

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